Who are you overlooking this holiday season?


With the holidays just around the corner, we often find ourselves in moments of reflection about the people in our lives  who we care about. You’ve made it another full year with these special individuals - how are you going to show them how much they mean to you? In the hustle and bustle of making the lists (and checking them twice), who tends to go overlooked the most? You seem to forget about the most important person in your life; the person who wakes up with you every morning, year in and year out; the person who needs the most attention, care, and love, but who often puts others first: yourself. Before you can give back to others, you must first help yourself.

Don’t leave yourself out of this. You have people who rely on you; they need to believe in you – and you need to believe in yourself. We’ve seen too many creative professionals lose their opportunity to succeed by trying to figure it out on their own. Don’t put yourself last.

Your life purpose is to make a difference in this world. You’ve been waiting a long, long time for this to happen and you owe it to yourself to finally make that change that you’ve been longing for; don’t wait another 10 years for a change you can start making today.It’s time to stop waiting and finally unlock your highest potential!

This is a chance to know with certainty which career path is right for you instead of just guessing.

To hack and bypass the inefficient traditional job-seeking methods so that you’re winning the top opportunities you deserve.

To realize your gifts and capabilities to their fullest extent – and use them to pay it forward towards what you’re truly passionate about.

There’s a lot at stake – and I know you’ve been holding back on working on this. You know there’s too much to figure out to get this dialed in and working smoothly. You know you don’t have it all figured out. Goodness knows you’ve tried to dabble at this once in a while only to stop and realize there’s too much to figure out on your own.

The truth of the matter is it takes a wide range of adjustment and refinement to reach career success. And if you don’t know it already, the creative industry is one of the hardest to succeed at. Many don’t ever develop a sustainable thriving successful career in design. You can’t just figure this out in a short workshop or brainstorming session. Getting this right requires a lot.

Life is too precious and valuable to waste it on guessing. There are companies and clients that need your vision, and problems only you can solve. There’s a lot to learn and master to dial this in – but the good news is that you don’t need to waste a lifetime trying to figure it out alone. The Thrive By Design program can help you discover what you need to do get where you need to be.

I have had 20 + years as a talent seer. I’ve invested 7 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop the Thrive By Design masterclass to coach creative professionals who need to rediscover themselves in their careers. Since then, the TBD program has helped creative professionals attract and win the right opportunities using their visionary gifts. It has taught senior designers with VP potential to convert low-level offers into exciting, innovative leadership positions. It has shown freelancers how to navigate their way out of dead-end jobs into roles custom-fit for their leadership capabilities, skills, and preferences.  

Through TBD, we show you how all of this comes together to bring about career successnow. “Now” is key is because the window of opportunity to succeed in this industry is so small that you need to seize the day if you really want to affect change.

This holiday season, gift yourself with clarity by investing in your future.

Gift yourself with the confidence to know with absolute certainty that your talent is unique and valuable, instead of just guessing at your next career direction.

Gift yourself with the ability to apply your skills towards the loftiest initiatives that pay handsomely, instead of scraping by undervalued and underpaid.

Gift yourself with the chance to actually start reaching your goals in the new year, instead of adding on to your growing laundry list of busy complacency.

Gift yourself with the opportunity to unlock your highest potential.

Book a strategy call today to learn more about the Thrive By Design masterclass and how you can change your life for the better.

There’s no greater feeling than knowing you’re on the right path and that you’re succeeding, time and time again. Stop holding your breath and let’s make it happen for you in 2019.  The best gifts are not frivolous toys or lavish entertainment; the best gifts are personal investments towards goals that impact not only your life but the lives of those around you – investments that give back, year-round.

Take advantage of this opportunity to maximize growth and realize your full creative potential. You owe it to yourself to end this year on a hopeful note with gratitude for everything that has lead you here, and renewed convictions to improve in the New Year ahead.